Historical and Regional Geology


The chair of Historical and Regional Geology was founded in 1949 by A.H. Gabrielyan, the academician of ASSR Academy of Science. At first, it was called The chair of Paleontological and Historical Geology, but in 1980 it was renamed The chair of Historical and Regional Geology. The chair was headed by professors A.H. Gabrielian (1949-1981), H.H. Sargsyan (1981-1997), G.P. Simonyan (1997-2005), docent Ed. Kharazyan (2005 - till now).

The chair of Historical and Regional Geology has a serious contribution to the development in the spheres of the geological science in Armenia and the creation of geological terms in our native language. It was the leading scientific research organization of The Regional Geology in the republic for many years .

The main directions of research studies of the Chair are: the tectonics, seismotectonics, stratigraphy, the newest volcanism, geological mapping and history of geological development of RA and neighboring areas.

In the second half of last century, the results of long-term field studies of the chair staff, the publication of numerous monographs and articles, the compilation of many different schemes and maps allowed to discover the structural features of the space of RA for explaining the major regularities of geological development and spatial allocation of mineral resources.During this period the problems of the geological structure in RA was the first time studied and got their solutions in the works of The Chair staff .

The studies of The Chair staff allowed to restore the stages of geological development area of RA, the orogenesis, the structural floors, the physical and geographical conditions.

Results were summarized in many old geographical (A. Gabrielian, 1964,H. Sargsyan, 1966) and old tectonic (H. Sargsyan 1972) maps, which are useful for availability and prospective assessment of some aqueous mineral resources (oil, coal, salt, etc.) in Armenia.

As for earthquakes prediction problem, then A. Gabrielian, H. Sargsyan and E. Kharazyan carried out detailed studies in Ararat trial area and made 1:100000 scale geological, tectonic and seismotectonic maps of the area.

The Geological map edition of 1:500000scale of Armenia occupies an important place in research activities of The Chair (by E. Kharazyan, 2005).

In 2007 "The trilingual (Russian-Armenian-English) encyclopedic dictionary of geological terms" was published (by H. Sargsyan and R. Sargsyan), which was widely spread among geologists and specialists of related sciences. This unique and valuable work is a great contribution to the creation of the field of armenian geological terms.

Along with these activities The Chair participated in a number of international important problems and projects development.